Friday, June 8, 2007

I'm losing to THIS table?

So Ryan and I play downstairs at the Planet Hollywood poker room. It would be funny if not so tragic. First hand I play is when I get 37os in the big blind. Even make a comment about how bad my hand is and how I am gld I didn't need to voluntarily add chips to the pot. Flop is K37 and I lead out 10, about pot sized. One re-raise to 20 and a call. I bump another 25 on top to put re-raiser all in and tried to send a message to caller to stay out. Message not received. Turn is a 5. I check/call to try to keep pot small. River is a 4 and he pushes all in I call off more chips to see K5, yes, top pair garbage kicker that called two re-raises pre-flop. I am down to about 50 now. Add on another 100.

Tired, more later.

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