Thursday, May 24, 2007

First hand: Aces cracked!

So I get seated. I am in middle position and there are two limpers ahead of me. I find two Aces in the hole. I bump it to 20 to clear out any speculative hands. Folds around to button who re-raises to 75. Folds to me and I push all-in to show I mean business. Button insta-calls with 6h9h(????). I am horrified. Flop brings a Six and he rivers a Nine. "Sorry dude, it's my lucky hand." he says as he rakes the pot. OK, just kidding!

Here's what really happened. I am in BB with A7 offsuit. Limped around so I play it. Five handed to a flop of 567 rainbow. Ummmm...good and bad flop. I have top pair top kicker but I can already be drawing nearly dead if someone flopped a straight. Not that that would ever happen. I lead out for 10 verbally since I still don't have any chips. Call. Call. Turn brings a 3. Now there are even more possible straights out against me in an unraised pre-flop pot. I get my chips and make it 20 to go now. Fold. Call. River is an Ace and I now have top two pair which may have counterfeited a lower two pair. I check to try to keep the pot smallish. Guy behind me throws out 40. I am behind any straight but have top two pair. I felt I was good and was willing to pay some to see a showdown. I call, he says "good call" and mucks. I show my hand and I'm up almost 100 on my fist hand.

Blinds have not even come around again and I pick up AKos. I make it 10 to go. Two callers. Flop is KQx two hearts. I'm wondering if everyone's favorite dominated hand is out against me. I'm out of position and make it 25 to go. 1 caller. Turn is an Eight. I make it 40 now. Called again. River is a blank and I again try to keep the pot manageable so I check it. Guy throws out $50. Hmmm. I sure wish I'd seen these guys play more. I call it and show top/top and have doubled up my original buy in.

Time to take a break. My head is still a little achey from staying up late so I'm going to take a nap. I'm also playing scared now that I've bumped up my stack and I can't be in that place so I'll take a break and regroup for later. So far so good...

1 comment:

jtrey333 said...

You had me going there in the first paragraph - especially with the 6h9h. Good stuff. Remember, don't play scared! You *are* Martin XP, not '98. If you play (mostly) like you did on Wed night, where you are selectively aggressive and push the action, you will be much better off than the last trip. Good luck!