Friday, May 25, 2007

Up at the crack of dawn

Well I was up at the crack of dawn but that was when I was going to bed, not getting up. Slept in until 9am or so then got cleaned up, ironed the suit and shirt and headed out. Didn't realize it but right next to the Burger King in the casino next door is a Subway. Nice. So I got a breakfast sandwich which down here is on standard sub bread instead of the soft bagel bread like back home. Talking to the sandwich girl and she is all excited because "Today is my Friday and I get the next two days off!" "Isn't today Friday?" "Yes but it's my Friday too." "Ummm...OK"

After sitting down at the past two sessions I realized that I had forgotten my ice cube card protector that I brought down. Remembered it this time so now my cards won't feel so insecure anymore.

Last night around 5am or so, the counter girl walked around and picked up everyone's players card for logging time at the tables. I asked the guy next to me about that because I already had checked in when I came in but he said that they reset the system once a night and you need to get your card scanned again or you won't log your hours. I left shortly after and asked if I need to card out since I was just logged and at the wink-wink nudge-nudge suggestion of the counter girl she said don't log out...and don't log in this morning when I show up either. Just sit down and play then log out so I am currently logging points as I eat my breakfast sandwich. Tasty. Who knew mustard tasted so good with egg and ham? OK, food's a wrap now. Heading back to Caesars.

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