Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday tidbits

The Planet Hollywood assimilation is complete. They have the grand opening gala running on a continuous loop on one of the channels on the room TV. There are still hints of the old (new) Aladdin but mostly in the guest rooms appointments like the valences, wardrobe trim, faucets and the like. Purely understandable from a cost standpoint and I'm sure that everything will be revved when the ten year renovation comes around for the original equipment. They do add a Hollywood prop to each room. My cot is directly below the plexiglass case holding the railgun used in Arnold's move "Eraser" (insert "under the gun" comment here). They've now put purple towels in all of the bathrooms instead of the standard white in order to "Hollywood-ize" it. Looks awful with the sand colored decor. They at least have taken down the old plaques with the Aladdin's lamp motif on them. They have also finished turning over all elevators which I think should have been done earlier since EVERY guest and guest of guests see the elevators at least twice a day. It would have been a high bang for buck item to re-brand early. Now they have been re-skinned and there are plasma TVs inset into the ceiling of the cars.

Today's fashion report: light grey sateen shirt with black pattern tie in a black pin stripe suit. Reason #78 to wear suits in Las Vegas is to stay warm on days like this. Wind has picked up and it is downright cold. Outside security guards are in coats, gloves, and hats. I'm sure Ben is way better off watching The Price is Right instead of freezing his butt off on the course today. Reason #53 for wearing suits is that it helps repel people trying to sell you something. I don't get nearly as many flyers, pamphlets, or tickets thrust into my face when I look like I am a local business guy. Last part of the wardrobe is my black leather dress shoes (not the wingtips) which, when I was walking out of my condo yesterday to get picked up for the airport, got splashed by mud when I stepped in a puddle. Looked for a shoe shine place last night and MGM had one but it was after shoe shine business hours, whenever those are. Coming back to the PH I found a shoe shine place near the ground floor elevator lobby and I got them spiffed up by the Carolina drawled, history majoring, ballet dancing, afraid to drive in the rain shoe shine girl who would not shut up. Did a nice job though and even threw in some towel snapping flourishes to the shoe buffing.

Since there was no action at the PH poker room I decide to take an afternoon nap and I will figure out what to do tonight after my siesta.

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